Energy-autonomous living & working

The PTP Team

Who, What, Why?

PTP is a team of specialists that wants to help people make their home or business premises less dependent on the public electricity grid and rising energy prices.

We do this by making your new or existing home energy autonomous and thereby offering a total service from feasibility study to the installation and maintenance of all necessary energy systems.

Our motivation is the ambition to make energy truly local, sustainable and renewable . The turtle tax, towering distribution costs, prosumers rate on solar panels, smart meters and countless charges on the energy bill …

Whatever your reasons may be, a high-quality and high-performance battery system offers the solution to take control of your energy supply.

Take the step and Pull The Plug!

Off-Grid is a term used for homes that are not connected to the public electricity grid . Such an autonomous home has a battery system that supplies the power. The battery from which the electricity comes is charged with photovoltaic panels that convert daylight and sunlight into electricity. This way you have new electricity that you can use every day.

The surplus is stored in the battery for the evening, at night, and on days where the production of the PV panels is low. The capacity of the battery determines how many days you can continue without the supply of ‘fresh’ solar power. Large consumers can opt for a backup generator or micro-CHP (boiler that makes electricity).

“Living autonomously is expensive!”
“Don’t do it, you will lose comfort!”
“Batteries will only last a few years!”

Just a few of the many prejudices that we can all today disprove with real-life figures. Contact us and Pull The Plug!

For many, the off-grid story is the ultimate dream of energy autonomy. Yet this definitely does not have to be the goal and with a limited budget you can already achieve a very high desire for net independence with maintaining your connection.

Home batteries exist in all sizes and shapes and they are scalable so that we can even use them in business premises. The surplus solar power that would otherwise be injected into the net for a low fee during the day is now saved for the evening and night. This way you can enjoy self-produced solar power around the clock at the lowest possible rate!

View our sample packages and contact us for a customized proposal. Pull The Plug!

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Some examples of energy autonomy


Step 1: Advice at home

Our product specialist visits you and makes a first feasibility study.

If desired, we will place a smart measuring device that can log your consumption profile for a few weeks.

Step 2: Tailor-made proposal

The price offer for your package is made.

Together we go through the concrete options and answer any questions.

Step 3: Installation and start-up

Our installers install your system and we take care of commissioning and monitoring.

From today you are your own energy supplier!


Energy autonomous living without compromise.

Visit our show house in Hoeilaart.

Schedule a visit together with our product specialist and experience the possibilities of our solution yourself.

You will see that no compromises are needed to obtain a net-independent home!

Maximum comfort with a minimum impact on our planet.

Package prices

Some guiding prices, excluding VAT.

Frequently asked questions

Product questions are asked daily by email, Twitter or Facebook. The most frequent can be found here.

How much does a home or business battery cost?

Every project deserves a customized calculation. After all, dimensioning the correct storage capacity is highly dependent on various factors such as the consumption profile and the available local power production.

Further on this website you will find some package prices that give you an idea of the investment costs.

We’re going for it ?! Then quickly contact via the form or call us at +32 476 36 47 56.

In which region is Pull The Plug active?

To provide a seamless service, we limit our work area to the spacious environment of our home base Hoeilaart.

Would you like to use our services outside of this? Via an initial telephone or skype conversation we will already check your needs in order to achieve a possible collaboration. For a site visit and detailed study we work with a flat-rate reimbursement of € 250 that will be deducted from your order.

For example, Pull The Plug has installed and managed several systems in these locations:

– Off-Grid vacation rental in the nature of La Roche-en-Ardenne .
– Princess Elisabeth Belgian Polar Base on Antarctica
– Family home on the island Santo Antao in Cape Verde

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I get a smart meter, what now?

Good news! After all, the smart meter gives you the opportunity to get rid of the expensive prosumers rate .

Solar panel owners use on average 25 to 35% of their solar energy the moment it is produced. The rest is injected into the net and taken later. With a battery system you can increase this share to 70% or more , so you no longer have to buy expensive power or inject your surplus at a low rate. You can find a simulation for your situation here: https://simulatordigitalemeter.vreg.be/

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Are there premiums for a battery system?

From August 2019, home batteries will be subsidized with € 250 per kWh storage capacity. An average system can therefore count on € 2500 support.

Meer informatie over deze premie kan je vinden op: https://www.lydiapeeters.be/minister/vlaamse-regering-keurt-premie-voor-thuisbatterijen-goed/


What is the difference between a lead battery and a lithium battery

Lead batteries are cheaper but have some major drawbacks compared to lithium. So you can only discharge them halfway, which means that your battery capacity must be twice as large. In addition, they are three to four times heavier and take up much more space .

Lithium-ion technologie kende de voorbije jaren een gigantische evolutie op vlak van capaciteit en prijs, waardoor de LCC (life cycle cost) veel gunstiger is geworden dan bij Loodbatterijen. Voor een gedetailleerde vergelijking neem je gerust contact op met onze productspecialisten.


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For other questions or comments, feel free to contact us at the number 0476 / 36.47.56


The most recent insights from our product specialists.

Becoming autonomous … something for me?

Becoming autonomous … something for me?

The days when “OFF-GRID” was a term that was only used by and for green boys are over. Becoming autonomous is possible for everyone! The technology of battery systems has evolved enormously in a few years and the prices are in free fall.

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